A series of public lectures on various
topics of culture and art

The lectures are held at the Winter Theater
and the "Pearl" hotel in Sochi

19-21 February
Lecture series by Lyalya Kandaurova
Winter Theatre Starts at 15.00 Free of charge

February 19

"5 works that have changed the history of music" (Monteverdi, Beethoven, Wagner, Schoenberg, Stravinsky)

February 20

"Russian music: you can't help but know"

  • - "Sadko" by Rimsky-Korsakov
  • - Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker
  • - Stravinsky's Petrushka
  • - Shostakovich's Leningrad Symphony
  • - Prokofiev's Cinderella

February 21

"The Musical Twentieth Century: Names, Directions, Techniques"

Registration for participation
in 2021 is completed

Lyalya Kandaurova

Violinist and classical music teacher, author of the book "Half an Hour of Music". Graduated from the Moscow State Conservatory. Writes about music in print and online editions and magazines. She is the author of cycles of lectures about music for children and adults. Nominee for the Illuminator Prize 2019.

February 22
Open lecture: Why did Ivan Turgenev rule over the poems of Athanasius Fet?
Hotel "Pearl" Beginning at 16.00 Free participation

Is it possible to teach how to write poetry? Or - "correctly" to write poetry? Since 1910, when N. Gumilev and S. Gorodetsky created the "Workshop of poets," the affirmative answer to these questions is no longer in doubt. Many institutes and studios operated on the principle of teaching from the masters: from Brusov's Literary and Art Institute to Arseny Tarkovsky's "Magistral" studio, from the State Literary Courses in Moscow in the 1920s and 30s to the Gorky Literary Institute.

This lecture will deal with one of the mysterious and controversial episodes in the history of Russian poetry. In the mid-1850s, "Nemaster" rules the poetry of "Novichok", and the famous prose writer and not the most successful poet Ivan Turgenev confidently and inexorably rules the poetry of the future absolute classic of Russian lyrics, Athanasius Fet. How are these events interesting to us today? Why, a century and a half later, should anyone writing or reading poetry in Russian know about them?

Answers - at the lecture by Professor of Russian State Humanities University and Director of the State Museum of the History of Russian Literature named after V.I. Dal, D. P. Bak.

Registration for participation
in 2021 is completed

Dmitry Bak

Professor of Russian State Humanities University, director of the Dal State Museum of the History of Russian Literature D. Bak.

February 22, 23
Antonio Geusa Lectures on Modern Art
Winter Theatre Starts at 15.00 Free of charge

February 22

Lecture one (Inside)

"Intervention, or When Modern and Traditional Art Live Together in a Museum"

February 23

Lecture two (Outside)

"Public Art, or When Contemporary Art Leaves the White Cube and Goes Outside"

Registration for participation
in 2021 is completed

Antonio Jeusa

Head of educational programs at the State Center for Contemporary Arts.

February 23
Poetic Tone. Game workshop
Hotel "Zhemchuzhina" Starting at 16.00 Free participation

How do you keep yourself intellectually poetic and develop it? Is it possible to sharpen your apparatus of perception? Is so-called continuous inspiration possible? What is natural synesthesia and what to do if you are not a synesthete? "Lifehacks for Continuers.

Led by Inga Kuznetsova, poet, prose writer, translator, creator of the studio for the literary development of adolescents, host of the workshop "School of young poets in Sochi.

Registration for participation
in 2021 is completed

Inga Kuznetsova

Poet, prose writer and editor.

February 24, 25
Olga Egoshina's lectures on Russian theater
Winter Theatre Beginning at 15.00 Free of charge

February 24

"Russian theatrical life in the post-revolutionary years"

February 25

"The New Leaders of Russian Theatre"

Registration for participation
in 2021 is completed

Olga Egoshina

Professor and Doctor of Art History. Art-director of the Theatre Biennale. Leading Researcher at the Research Department of the Moscow Art Theatre School.